Maintaining Your Lawn During a Drought

New England is known for having unpredictable weather. One week it can be sunny, and the next, it’s rainy and dreary. For the weeks we don’t see any rain, you may be curious about what you can do to keep it grassy and green. Lassana’s Landscaping has a few tips to help preserve your lawn during a drought.

Signs of a Drought

  • A sure sign that your lawn needs water is to do a step test.  Take a walk on your lawn. If your feet leave marks on the grass, it needs water. If your lawn is well-hydrated, it should spring back up after you step on it.
  • When your lawn is hydrated, it should be bright green in color. When your lawn becomes dehydrated, it will be a gray-green or blue-green color. The final color of a poorly hydrated lawn is a light tan or gold.

How to Fight a Drought

  • You can keep your grass shorter when your lawn is getting plenty of rain. However, if there is a drought, keep your grass longer. Lawns with longer grass blades will have a deeper root system, which means grass can get to water deeper in the soil.
  • During a drought, try leaving the clippings on the lawn anytime you mow your lawn. The clippings will help keep nutrients and moisture on the remaining grass blades and help avoid any diseases.
  • The best time to water your lawn is early morning or evening. This will prevent any water from evaporating from the sun.
  • Plan on doing aeration and topdressing of compost with slice-seeding in September.  This will give nutrients back to your lawn and help it green up before it goes dormant for winter.

Lawn Maintenance in Marblehead & Swampscott, MA

Lassana’s Landscaping is happy to help you maintain your lawn as we wrap up summer. To learn more about our lawn care services, contact us at 781-631-1938 or filling out our online contact form.

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